Further SECUSO Events

Here you find a list of events which we (co)organize. Furthermore, we are part of the orga team for the be-anual  e-voting PhD colloquium.


21st E-voting PhD Colloquium in Karlsruhe

Monday, 09 April 2018, 0:00-0:00

The colloquium continues the tradition of PhD workshops on e-voting. Since 2006 the PhD seminars have focused on various aspects of e-voting including technical aspects, legal challenges, identity management, verifiability of the vote, etc. The workshops took place in various locations in Austria, Catalonia, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Luxembourg, and Switzerland.


The goal of the colloquium is to foster understanding and collaboration between PhD students from various disciplines working on e-voting. To this end, the program allows plenty of space for discussion and initiating collaboration based on presentations by attendees.


The 21st PhD colloquium is co-organized by Prof. Dr. Bernhard BeckertProf. Dr. Jörn Müller-Quade and the SECUSO researchers Prof. Dr. Melanie Volkamer and Dr. Oksana Kulyk and takes place at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology on 9.-10. April 2018.
