NoPhish videos to detect dangerous attachments and links
On this page you will find our two videos about phishing and fraudulent messages. Both videos are about 5 minutes long and contain a general introduction, the most important rules for detecting fraudulent messages and illustrative examples. The videos were developed together with Alexander Lehmann.
Here you can find the flyer for both videos. There are also the links to the videos. The videos are also available on our YouTube account.
- NoPhish Video I: Verifying sender & detecting dangerous attachments
- NoPhish Video II: Detecting dangerous links
- NoPhish Video III: Take a close look despite stress, time pressure or euphoria
Hints: The videos are part of the NoPhish concept. The development of the NoPhish concept was started at TU Darmstadt including the first version of video II. This happened within the project KMU Aware, funded by the Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie in the context of Initiative IT-Sicherheit in der Wirtschaft as well as the CRISP project funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung. The concept in turn has built on research work around the NoPhish App. The various measures as well as the concept are still being evaluated and further developed on the basis of the results. In addition, new measures are being developed. Currently, research around the NoPhish concept is financed by the BMBF within the framework of KASTEL.