Guests in 2018/2019
October 2019
Frank Ebbers (Fraunhofer ISI)
Frank Ebbers presented his previous research results in the area of human factors in IT Security and Privacy and his plans and ideas for future research in this area.
Mattia Mossano (University of Edinburgh)
July 2019
Prof. Karen Renaud (Abertay University)
Prof. Karen Renaud presented her thoughts on a paradigm shift regarding the role of the user in IT security away from the part of the problem and towards the part of the solution.
Tom Cartmill (University of Melbourne)
Tom Cartmill gave a lecture on his dissertation project in which he deals with the complex phenomenon of radicalization in cyberspace.
June 2019
Prof. Blase Ur (University of Chicago)
Prof. Blase Ur presented his research on the analysis of existing and the development of new approaches for password-cracking software.
May 2019
Prof. Jens Grossklags (Technical University of Munich)
Prof. Jens Grossklags held a talk about nudging software developers towards making better decisions on Stack Overflow.
February 2019
Florian Kaiser (IIP, KIT)
Florian Kaiser held a talk about implementing game theoretical approaches for modeling cyber threats.
Oliver Wiese (FU Berlin)
Oliver Wiese presented Letterbox, his iOS mail client, which steers users towards safe behaviors when confronted with phishing mail.
January 2019
Anne Steinbrück (IIWR, KIT)
Anne Steinbrück presented her ideas on identity management in IKT systems.
November 2018
Sascha Alpers (FZI)
Sascha Alpers talked about his dissertation project, in which he investigates opportunities for modeling confidentiality and data privacy in business processes.
Dr. Tobias Dehling (AIFB, KIT)
Dr. Tobias Dehling held a talk about his research on identifying archetypes of Internet users with distinctive privacy information needs.
August 2018
Arnold Sykosch (Universität Bonn)
In his talk, Arnold Sykosch introduced the BMBF project "ITS.APT - IT-Security Awareness Penetration Testing", which aimed at developing a method to measure IT security awareness.
Verena Zimmermann (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
Verena Zimmermann talked about how nudges can motivate users to enhance the security of their passwords.
July 2018
Dr. Emanuel von Zezschwitz (Universität Bonn)
Dr. Emanuel von Zezschwitz held a talk about how HCI principles can be applied to the design and evaluation of usable and secure systems.
June 2018
Dr. Anastasia Meletiadou & Markus Meitsch (CONVERGYS)
Dr. Anastasia Meletiadou and Markus Meitsch from the CONVERGYS organization held a lecture about the new European GDPR.
Daniel Träder (Hochschule Darmstadt)
Daniel Träder held a talk about how security awareness can be teached on the job. To this end, he refered to the concept of teachable moments.
Kaibin Bao (AIFB, KIT) & Daniel Bernau (SAP)
Kaibin Bao and Daniel Bernau talked about using differential privacy on smart meter data to forecast energy consumption.
May 2018
Dr.-Ing. Gunther Schiefer (AIFB, KIT)
Dr. Gunther Schiefer talked about the Project "PRIVACY-AVARE: Selbstdatenschutz für die Nutzung von Cloud-Diensten via Apps" (Privacy-AVARE: Protecting oneself when using cloud services via apps).
Prof. Karen Renaud (Abertay University, Dundee, Scotland)
Prof. Karen Renaud held a talk about the way security professionals (and perhaps researchers) view end users. She discussed the different explanations security professionals advance and explained why they are probably not accurate. Finally, she suggested a way forward that is more realistic.