Fabian Lucas Ballreich, M.Sc. Information Systems

Fabian Lucas Ballreich, M.Sc. Information Systems

  • Kaiserstraße 89
    76133 Karlsruhe


PGP-Key: Key

Fingerprint: EF97 692F 2C06 31F3 E0E1 2F38 324B 71FA 9397 1A7A

S/MIME: Certificate

Curriculum Vitae

Fabian Ballreich is a research associate in the SECUSO Research Group of Prof. Dr. Melanie Volkamer since 2022 and graduated from the Karlsruhe Institut of Technology (KIT) with a Master's degree in Information Systems. He started as a student assistant at SECUSO in 2019 and is now working in the area of security awareness in the context of universities and large organizations. Fabian Ballreich mainly supports SECUSO in the research project “Effektive Security Awareness Maßnahmen am KIT” (Effective security measures at KIT) which is funded by the “Strategiefonds” at KIT.


Encouraging Organisational Information Security Incident Reporting
Ballreich, F. L.; Volkamer, M.; Müllmann, D.; Berens, B. M.; Häußler, E. M.; Renaud, K. V.
2023. EuroUSEC ’23: Proceedings of the 2023 European Symposium on Usable Security, 224–236, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3617072.3617098
A user-centred approach to facilitate locating company security policies : Nutzerzentrierter Ansatz zur Vereinfachung des Auffindens von Security Policies
Aldag, L.; Ballreich, F.; Berens, B.; Volkamer, M.
2023. MuC ’23: Proceedings of Mensch und Computer. Ed.: M. Stolze, 173–185, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3603555.3603573
Erstellung von effektiven Sensibilisierungsmaterialien zur Passwortsicherheit
Mayer, P.; Ballreich, F.; Düzgün, R.; Schwarz, C.; Volkamer, M.
2020. Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, 44 (8), 522–527. doi:10.1007/s11623-020-1318-9