
We appreciate your interest in writing your thesis at SECUSO!

We offer bachelor, master, study and diploma theses. Example areas are:

  • Replication studies (user studies / interviews)
  • Phishing
    • Support of people with disabilities
    • Evaluation of TORPEDO on the smartphone
  • Mental models of security warnings
  • Development and evaluation of awareness measures

The list of ongoing and completed theses at SECUSO might also be inspiring. If you have own ideas or want to know more, get in touch to meet and discuss possible topics.

Please also read our Thesis Guide carefully. It already contains an overview of all important information about writing a thesis in our group, such as meetings with the supervisor, tips for writing and managing a thesis up to the presentation of the thesis.

Please use the latex template of the AIFB to prepare your thesis. If in doubt, consult your supervisor.

Please use the following template to prepare the two presentations that you will give in the Research Seminar.

For further information also have a look at the website of your respective degree programme. There you will also find further information on how to register your thesis.

​Open Theses Topics
Titel Typ Betreuung
Bachelorarbeit / Masterarbeit

Maxime Veit


Dr. Benjamin Berens


Fabian Ballreich

​Ongoing/completed Bachelor's/Master's theses
Title Type Supervisor Ongoing/completed

Prof. Dr. Melanie Volkamer, Mattia Mossano


Prof. Melanie Volkamer, Benjamin Berens

in Progress


Prof. Dr. Melanie Volkamer, Tobias Hilt


Prof. Dr. Jörn Müller-Quade, Prof. Dr. Melanie Volkamer, Tobias Hilt