Digital Transformation in Research – DiTraRe

  • Contact:

    Benjamin Berens

  • Funding:

    Leibniz Association

  • Partner:

    FIZ Karlsruhe – Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure

  • Startdate:

    01. September 2023

  • Enddate:

    31. August 2027

Research findings are increasingly influenced by the process of digitization, both in terms of research methods and in their communication within the scientific community and society. Within the Leibniz ScienceCampus "Digital Transformation in Research" (DiTraRe), FIZ Karlsruhe and KIT focus on "Digital Transformation" and analyze the interdisciplinary impacts of growing digitization in the scientific domain through four research clusters. Concrete solutions are developed based on use cases from various disciplines. An example is the research cluster "Protected Data Spaces," which addresses the use case of "Sensitive Data in Sports Science." Other research clusters deal with intelligent data capture methods, such as "Smart Laboratories in Chemistry," AI-based knowledge spaces as seen in "Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Engineering," and publication cultures in the release of large datasets.

Leibniz ScienceCampi enable Leibniz institutions and universities to collaborate on themed research within regional partnerships. Their goal is to establish networks to promote research areas and strengthen the scientific environment. These Campi engage in strategic research, foster interdisciplinarity in topics, projects, and methods, contribute to the visibility of the respective location, and enhance its research profile.