PGP-Key: Key
Fingerprint: CE6E A850 FC35 C514 0965 0BE3 2E1A 04BF 8AC7 22AB
S/MIME-Certificate: Certificate
PGP-Key: Key
Fingerprint: CE6E A850 FC35 C514 0965 0BE3 2E1A 04BF 8AC7 22AB
S/MIME-Certificate: Certificate
Raphael Morisco is a postdoctoral researcher at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), affiliated with the SECUSO Research Group led by Prof. Dr. Melanie Volkamer. His research focuses on Human Factors in Security & Privacy, at the crossroads of media studies, computer science, and psychology, particularly within the subfield of Privacy and Security Awareness for researchers in the context of Data Science. In 2023, Dr. Morisco successfully completed his doctoral degree at the University of Bielefeld, with a focus on the nexus between media literacy and IT security. Concurrently, he was engaged at KIT within the Center for Technology-Enhanced Learning (ZML), contributing to various projects such as DigiMINT, Eucor, and MINTernational innovativ. Prior to this, he worked as a Technical Writer for an internationally operating IT company based in Gütersloh and part of the Bertelsmann Group. Additionally, he gained several years of experience in corporate security at one of Germany's leading confectionery manufacturers. Since January 1, 2024, Dr. Morisco has been a postdoctoral researcher with the SECUSO team, exploring the implications of the increasing digitization of scientific work.
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