Name | Title | Phone | |
Volkamer, Melanie | Prof. Dr. | +49 721 608-47362 | melanie volkamer ∂ kit edu |
Name | Title | Phone | |
Golling, Rebekka | +49 721 608-47362 | rebekka golling ∂ kit edu |
Name | Title | Phone | |
Berens, Benjamin | Dr. M.Sc. Psychology | +49 721 608-45045 | benjamin berens ∂ kit edu |
Mayer, Peter | Dr.-Ing. | +49 721 608-46590 | peter mayer ∂ kit edu |
Morisco, Raphael | Dr. | raphael morisco ∂ kit edu |
Name | Title | Phone | |
Aldag, Lukas | M.Sc. | +49 721 608-46038 | lukas aldag ∂ kit edu |
Ballreich, Fabian Lucas | M.Sc. Information Systems | +49 721 608-45045 | fabian ballreich ∂ kit edu |
Hennig, Anne | M.A. | +49 721 608-46038 | anne hennig ∂ kit edu |
Hilt, Tobias | M.Sc. | tobias hilt ∂ kit edu | |
Länge, Tobias | M.Sc. | +49 721 608-46108 | tobias laenge ∂ kit edu |
Matheis, Philipp | M.Sc. | +49 721 608-46108 | philipp matheis ∂ kit edu |
Mossano, Mattia | M.Sc. M.A. | +49 721 608-46038 | mattia mossano ∂ kit edu |
Veit, Maxime | M.Sc. | +49 721 608-46108 | maxime veit ∂ kit edu |
Name | |
Huang, Xueting | xueting huang ∂ stundent kit edu |
Leow, Zi Le | zi leow ∂ student kit edu |
Santhakumar, Thanusha | thanusha santhakumar ∂ stundent kit edu |
Schmidt-Enke, Leoni | leoni schmidt-enke ∂ student kit edu |
Schneider, Patrick | patrick schneider ∂ student kit edu |
Succesful PhD Candidates supervised by Melanie Volkamer
Prof. Dr. Jurlind Budurushi, Dr. Marco Ghiglieri, Prof. Dr. Oksana Kulyk, Dr. Peter Mayer, Prof. Dr. Stephan Neumann
In addition, the following were supervised but defended at TU Darmstadt with Prof. Vogt and Prof. Mühlhäuser respectively: Dr. Paul Gerber, Dr. Nina Gerber, Dr. Karola Marky
Tatjana Albrandt, Betty Ballin, Dr. Steffen Bartsch, Kristoffer Braun, Prof. Dr. Jurlind Budurushi, Gamze Canova, Jannik Dresselhaus, Dr. Paul Gerber, Dr. Marco Ghiglieri, Andreas Gutmann, Markus Hau, Philip Heller, Dr. Birgit Henhapl, Fatih Karayumak, Maina Korir (née Olembo), Prof. Dr. Oksana Kulyk, Karola Marky, Henrik Mucha, Miriam Mutter, Dr. Stephan Neumann, Jonas Pfrang, Philipp Rack, Silke Rehfeld, Noah Schlegel, Marie-Claire Thiery, Niklas Fuhrberg, Laura Imler, Christopher Beckmann, Reyhan Düzgün, Elly Reich, Fabian Deny, Elena Marie Häußler